D'nah Reads-A-Lot

A collection of ramblings on books I've just read, and more rarely, movies I've watched. I sometimes link to titles in Amazon, for your convience. This does NOT mean that I suggest buying them from Amazon. Please, support your independent booksellers.

Location: Lakewood, Washington, United States

Monday, April 18, 2005

Playing catch up

Well, I got stuck for a while on the Wedding Banquet post so I'm going to try to summarize what I've read in the last couple of weeks.

The Virgin Suicides - Jeffrey Eugenides - Read this one just before I went to a lecture Eugenides was giving about the writing of Middlesex, which had already read. I didn't care for The Virgin Suicides as much as Middlesex (which I loved). Eugenides uses an interesting first person plural, but not of the protagonists. Being a book about the decline of this family, and the suicide of 5 sisters, I wanted to know what was going on in the sisters' heads, not the neighborhood boys. Of course, it's possible I found this unsatisfying for precisely the reason he chose that voice (ie: we can never really know what was going on in their heads).

The Crown Of Dalemark - Diana Wynne Jones - A good book that neatly ties together the previous three books in the quartet: Cart And Cwidder, The Spellcoats, and Drowned Ammet.

The Homeward Bounders - Diana Wynne Jones

A Sudden Wild Magic - Diana Wynne Jones

The Silent Child: Exploring The World Of Children Who Do Not Speak - Laurent Danon-Boileau - An interesting book that I did not quite finish. I'll have to check it out again some time, if for no other reason than to retrieve a good quote about statistics.

Time Enough For Love - Robert Heinlein - A much worn book of mine that I haven't read front to back in a number of years. I know it well enough, that I've just flipped it opened and read a chapter at random. Great quote on being crazy:

[...]"crazy" -- a nonscientific term meaning that the person to whom one
applies that label has a world picture differing from the accepted one.


Blogger D'nah Freespirit said...

It's been requested!

10:19 PM  

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