D'nah Reads-A-Lot

A collection of ramblings on books I've just read, and more rarely, movies I've watched. I sometimes link to titles in Amazon, for your convience. This does NOT mean that I suggest buying them from Amazon. Please, support your independent booksellers.

Location: Lakewood, Washington, United States

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

First Meetings in the Enderverse - Orson Scott Card

Well, the last Card book for now. This one is three novellas set in the same universe as Ender's Game, including the original novella of "Ender's Game" published in 1977 in Analog. These were all interesting stories, and engaging enough that I lost track of time and was not able to enter my latest entry to Worth1000.com!

I was especially pleased with the first two stories which relate some of Ender, Valentine and Peter's parents. In a series about children, the parents have become some of the most intersting characters to me. They raise their children well, and as best as they can, they allow them to be children. The allow Peter (who becomes king of the world) to think that they were of rather normal intelligence, and giving him is freedom (because they weren't smart enough to see what he was doing). Then in Shadow Puppets, the parents force Peter to realize that they are valuable and useful people, that they are not dense, nor unaware of Peter's actions. And I think perhaps most importantly, they don't let Peter know that he is their least favorite child. Though Ender and Valentine have traveled out of the solar system, largely due to Peter's actions; the parents support Peter to the utmost, giving him what he needs, when he needs it. Facinating characters, and I was thrilled to get to see some more of them, especially pre-children.

A fun quote tonight:
"[...] the universe is statistically more likely to be ironic than not [...]"


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